The Environment Agency and the National Federation of Anglers areoffering free angling instruction on Saturday 25 August at Judge’sLake, Winnall, Winchester.
The lake was transformed last year by the Agency and WinchesterAngling Club with funds raised from rod licence sales.
Scaffold poles and prison doors, which had been used to shore upthe banks of the lake, were removed and natural banks were reinstatedusing bundles of hazel, chestnut posts and gravel.
The lake area now boasts a footpath, gently sloping banks, anotter holt (home), bat and owl boxes.
The angling day, which is open to everyone, is intended toencourage those who have never tried freshwater fishing – especiallythe young – to ‘give it a go’. However, experienced anglers who wantto learn more are also very welcome.
Free coaching will be provided by the National Federation ofAnglers – bait and fishing tackle will be supplied for the half hoursessions – however those who would like to fish all day should bringtheir own equipment.
Environment Agency officers will be on hand to answer questionsabout the Agency’s work and give out free ‘goody bags’.
National Federation of Anglers organiser, Chris Ward said, “We arevery grateful to the Agency for their help in arranging this event.This should be a fun day for all the family, there will be lots tokeep everyone interested and you can learn about fishing too.”