After a great deal of pressure and many sleepless nights we have decided to release some of the closely guarded secrets concerning fish behaviour and feeding habits that we have gathered over many years via our research and advanced sonar observations. This information will explode many of the myths and misconceptions that abound within the array of publications that claim to know all there is to know about the various species that inhabit our lakes and rivers. It makes fascinating reading and when added to the experienced anglers skills will certainly improve the odds of catching the bigger more elusive fish.
This information is entirely free, all we ask is that all interested parties join our Specimen Hunters Association and, via our website ‘’ contribute to our never ending quest for information regarding catches, baits, techniques and observations etc. Prospective members must also agree to abide by a code of practice concerning fish welfare and be genuine specimen anglers that take the sport seriously.
We will share all information gathered and do our best to answer any questions put to us. We also need information on venues, both good and bad, together with details of illegally imported fish or malpractice within the industry. Our aim is to progress the sport to a higher level, increase the overall understanding of fish behaviour and habitat requirements and give a voice to the thousands of genuine anglers that feel let down by the general mismanagement of venues that is becoming commonplace due to the quest for ever increasing profits. Fat laden French Carp, hand-reared excuses for records and ridiculous multi-coloured fish have no rightful place in our lakes.
So okay, it’s an ambitious project…….but it is more than overdue.No bullshit, no financial motives and no holds barred. Don’t just moan in the background or sit on the bank wondering if your baits are as effective as they could be, are the fish there at all, are they feeding elsewhere and so on. The information we have available is unique and will definitely surprise even the most experienced angler.
Contact us now for more information and help us make British angling what it should be, the best in Europe.