GRAYLING (Thymallus Thymallus )


The Grayling is unmistakable with its huge sail -like dorsal fin and a silvery blue streamlined body speckled with dark spots.

British record

4lb 4oz


A fast water fish and are happy living in rivers or streams with a good flow. Grayling are also very sensitive to water pollution.


Groups in shoals that can at times be quite large in numbers.

Preferred Habitats

Fast flowing oxygen-rich clean clear waters.

Best Feeding Times

Will feed in extremely low temperatures when other fish are torpid.

Natural Food

Insect larvae, air-borne insects.


Male and Female 3 – 4 years

Spawning Times

March to May

Preferred Spawning Areas

Gravel beds


Up to 10,000 in large female.