This year my birthday present was even better as my ‘wonderful’ wife and my family had clubbed together to buy me a new fly fishing outfit which consisted of a top of the range SAGE rod and System 2 fly reel – I’m a very lucky man!

Masterline Lechlade
In addition to this I was booked onto one of the top big fish trout waters in the country – Masterline Lechlade in Gloucestershire.

My long term fly fishing mate Mags arrived early at 6am just as I was finishing my birthday breakfast and after showing off my new gear we loaded the car and headed down the motorway full of thoughts and dreams of big rainbows!

After a good trip down ‘traffic-wise’ we pulled into the car park at 8am and were greeted with quite a keen ground frost underfoot. I glanced over the fence to the Carp Society water – Horseshoe Lake next door and I certainly didn’t envy them waking up to this sort of weather in their bivvies!

We paid our dosh – £ 40 for a 4 fish limit and after a quick chat with staff we headed down the track towards the lake.

Prior to setting off we’d tackled up similar set ups with floating lines, 12ft, 6lb fluorocarbon leaders and damsels, a tactic which has proved very successful over recent weeks.

The number of big fish was awesome

There were only a few anglers fishing so we headed down towards the deeper end where we thought the fish may be after a 3rd successive cold night. The lake itself was formerly two separate lakes until it was joined together a few years ago by a channel of approx 15 yards. The water is gin clear and there is quite a bit of weed growth on the bottom.

Due to the water clarity it is an excellent stalking water but due to the colder water temperature we didn’t spot any fish on our walk around. On my previous trip just four weeks earlier I had been in awe of the amount of big fish just cruising around the margins – it was like being in an aquarium!

Mag’s 7-pounder
The water is well stocked from their on-site trout farm and the average size is very high at 8lbs with fish up to mid 20’s!

Anyway, back to the fishing. Despite fishing hard all morning neither Mags nor myself could hook a fish. We both had a couple of knocks and I had a very good fish follow my orange fritz fly only to turn around at the last minute – my heart was in my mouth I can tell you!

At last, a 7-pounder is netted

Then at 12noon Mags changed to a white fritz and was soon into his first Lechlade trout. Now, I had warned him about the fighting qualities of these fish but having caught rainbows to 19lbs+ he thought that I was pulling his leg! This fish looked under half that size however it gave him the right runaround and just wouldn’t give up! Then after a few fraught moments I managed to get it into the net – YESSSSSSS!

We quickly weighed it and it pulled the scales around to just under average – 7lbs but still a beautiful fish!

It was then back to the grind and we struggled for the next few hours. This was made worse by a group of senior police officers from the West Midlands Force who proceeded to catch well from one of the lakes boats up near the lake split!At 2-30pm I moved to an area where I had seen a few fish caught. It’s a large swim which enables you to cover a large area of water from the close-in margins to one of the islands in the middle. Mags had gone for a wander and was doing his best to stalk a fish or two but they hadn’t read the rules – they chased the fly but just wouldn’t grab it – time to pull your hair out!

He soon gave up and walked back to his first swim – scratching his head!

A change worked – nearly!

I was starting to panic a bit as things were not looking too good – there I was with my new £ 400 set up and on my 30th birthday. Now if that’s not a recipe for a blank then I don’t know what is!

Masterline Lechlade, Peg 2
We were still using lure fishing tactics and I must admit that I am a real fan of using nymphs and buzzers especially with my new 9ft 5 weight fly rod. Therefore I changed to my trusty duo of a size 14 olive goldhead on the point and black buzzer on the dropper. Sure enough 2nd cast I felt the unmistakable thump of a big Lechlade trout and it set off across the lake! Yes, at long last. I quickly reeled the excess line onto my reel and applied steady pressure to the motorised rainbow which was pulling line off the reel big style!

It started to veer left towards the overhanging willow tree which overhangs the margins. I had to clamp down and try to turn it but I was no match for the biggie – it kept going! In a last ditch attempt I pushed the rod tip under the water and then disaster – the hook pulled.

Mags did the right thing and just walked off towards his peg leaving me to my thoughts. I put my rod carefully down (I was tempted to throw it into the lake!) and walked away from the lake……. maybe it was just not going to be my day!

I wished I was somewhere else……

Then, just when I thought that things couldn’t get any worse – Maggie was in again – I must admit that I was well pXXXXed off! (sorry mate!). However, being the good mate that I am I walked over and grabbed the net to ‘knock it off’ – I mean ‘help’ him!

He played it like a pro and I soon netted another similar sized rainbow for him – ‘well done mate’ I said as I walked away wishing I was somewhere else!

The light was starting to fade as I picked the gear up and started casting out again – ‘Come on Fletch one last effort’ – any fish will do! Then I saw a fish move to me left in the corner of the lake. I quickly redirected my cast and dropped the flies right ‘on the money’. I started a very quick figure of eight retrieve trying to attract the fishes attention. Amazingly it worked and the line tightened and I was in again! I decided to not attract Maggie’s attention and started the careful playing without any additional pressure!

Then I was hanging onto my rod……

I could see that the fish had taken the point fly – the olive goldhead and I kept telling myself not to lose this one! Maggie finally noticed me hanging on to my new rod for grim life and wandered over to offer some encouraging words such as ‘ Don’t lose this one you bugger!’. After what seemed like an age I coaxed it towards the waiting net……………YES….in first time!

Happy birthday Fletch!
It was a cracking fish, not monstrous but one of the most important fish off my life, the thought of driving the 120 miles home without a fish just wasn’t worth contemplating. But now it didn’t matter!!! It pulled the scales round to 8 1/2 lbs (one of the best fish of the day we found out later) but the size wasn’t really important – I had worked so hard for that fish and also christened my new rod!

After sorting myself out I had now had a new found confidence and I couldn’t wait to cast out again – its amazing when this happens in fishing – you suddenly ooze confidence and it seems to travel down the line to your hook! Sure enough second cast out I had a bump, then a pause and then bang – I was in big time. I thrust the rod up high and tightened into the big rainbow ensuring that the hook was set. Once again I had the tussle of my life as the fish ripped line off my reel. However, after a bit of ‘expert’ coaxing it was starting to see my side of the argument as I slipped the net under a similar sized rainbow – nice one!

A couple of photo’s for the album in the evening sunshine and although I wanted another cast we decided to finish on a high and call it a day! We walked back to the car and after handing our returns into the lodge we headed home – tired but happy with our small catch – a hard but satisfying day – HAPPY BIRTHDAY FLETCH!

If you fancy a trip to Masterline Lechlade:

It is situated off the A361 near the village of Lechlade in Gloucestershire. It is open all year around but tends to fish best from September onwards. Day tickets cost £ 30 for a 2 fish ticket and £ 40 for 4 fish. There is no catch and release. Facilities include tackle for sale, toilets and a fish-weighing room. As I mentioned it is a fantastic stalking water so don’t forget to take your weighted nymphs & bugs. However, you will catch well on lures such as Cats Whiskers and Fritz’s.

For more details give them a call on 01367 253266.

Good luck!

AnglingLines Ltd – The Largest UsedTackle Site on the Net!