Price: 12FT £ 249.00, 13FT £ 269.00

This year I finally decided to retire my trusty rods that I bought with my first month’s wages when I left school (14 years ago!). As you can understand, these rods are like extensions to my arm as I’ve used them nearly every week since then and any new rods have got a lot to live up to!

So the search was on to find a replacement set and after a lot of looking and a couple of arguments with the missus over the amount I was going to spend I settled on the Nash Titanium Xtreme Pursuit in 12ft 3.5lb.

At first look the one thing that stands out is how slim these rods are and when you pick them up they are incredibly light and really feel ‘right’.

The blank is grey in colour and there are 6 rings including the tip. One thing that I personally liked about them was the rings being double-legged, not single-legged, as I tend to bend these too easily.

The line clip above the reel seat doesn’t damage your line and there is also a butt clip that sits behind your rear rod rest to stop your rod being pulled in. The rods are excellently finished with black whippings and a quality reel seat.

I’ve been using these rods for most of the summer now and have caught a few fish on them up to 18.5lb and my initial opinion is that I’ve made a good choice. I definitely am casting a bit further and as I’m not the world’s greatest distance caster I can see that in the right hands these rods can cast for a hell of a long way!

They definitely don’t feel like a 3.5lb blank when a fish is on and perhaps the best complement I can give them is that in the middle of the night I haven’t had to think that I’m using a different rod and make allowances for this over my old rods when playing a fish (my old rods were 2.75lb test curve!).


The rods are not cheap but if you are looking to spend a few quid on the best rods you can get, I would recommend that you give these rods a serious look.