If you’ve ever got tired of putting words like ‘bass’ in a search engine and receiving results for guitar websites. Alternatively, the word ‘pike’ and been confronted with sites about ancient weapons, then a newly created website has been created to make searching the Internet for anglers as easy as clicking on a link.

The new website is called ‘Fish the Web’ and the creators intend the site to become the biggest and easiest to use directory of angling websites in the world.

Fish The Web has been designed to be fast, easily searchable and with a massive Yahoo!-style directory for maximum ease of use. Enabling angling net surfers to find the websites and information they really want, quickly and with minimum frustration. There are already numerous categories for both home based and international websites and further categories will be added as demand grows.

Fish The Web also invites angling websites of all disciplines to visit the site and submit their own sites for free inclusion in the directory.

The new site is already up, running, and can be found at: www.fishtheweb.net add it to your list of favourites, this site is going to de nothing but GROW!