Disk protection and hands-free headset

Price: £ 6.99 to £ 19.99

Price: £ 11.99 to £ 24.99

FISHINGmagic Say
Anglers are used to long waits between bites and often pass the time reading or listening to music. I often take a Walkman and listen to books on CD. Whatever your poison you need to protect the disks and these CD/DVD wallets from Body Glove are strong and go a long way to keeping out the wet.

Mobile phones are now a must-have item for anglers to keep in touch with friends and family, and safety is the best reason of all for having one. The use of a hands-free device makes it much easier to hold a conversation, even whilst playing a big fish! The Hands-free headsets from Body Glove are amongst the most comfortable I’ve used and the sound is clear and interference free. Body Glove have a range to suit all requirements.

Body Glove Say
Body Glove

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