Six FM members are going to win

One tub and two tubes of Lotil Moisturising Cream

About Lotil
If you’re prone to dry skin, you’ll understand how frustrating cracked, chapped body areas can be. Look no further than Lotil original cream for the perfect solution to rehydrating your skin!

This brilliant cream is Britain’s best-kept skin care secret – it’s been around for more than a hundred years and is favoured by those in the know for its rich, deeply moisturising formula.

The cold and heat take their toll on your skin especially in the outdoors, so why not indulge your sore, dry hands, cracked heels and irritating red patches with this multipurpose essential. Both preventative and curative, it contains anti-bacterial properties to blast blemishes and moisturise the skin whilst creating a barrier to help fight infection in any broken skin.

To win one of these six sets of Lotil cream (ideal for anglers who regularly get wet hands, followed by dry skin) just think of a witty caption to the photograph below and if it’s one of six chosen by the editor as the most amusing you’ll be a winner. Total value for a set of these creams is about £ 10.50.

As usual the competition is being run on the forum where everyone can see everyone else’s entries. You need to be a member of FishingMagic to be able to post on the forum. Membership is free. Details here.

 Write a witty caption for this picture Caption
Write a witty caption for this picture

  • Each caption should be no more than 30 words.
  • Enter as many times as you like with a separate post for each caption.
  • Closing date is midnight Sunday, 18th November 2007.