Water Matters – an influential publication launched today (Tuesday, September 15) – outlines the actions that need to be taken over the next five years to halt and reverse the loss of aquatic life and restore a healthy water environment.They include:


Stopping pollution of waters by making polluters pay and improving incentives to protect and enhance waters;

Managing floods and drought naturally to alleviate the impacts of climate change;

 Using water wisely by reducing abstraction and demand;

Creating, protecting and restoring places for freshwater species and other wildlife to thrive.


Water Matters has been published by the Blueprint for Water, a coalition of 16 leading environmental and fishery organisations – which includes the Angling Trust – and representing some six million people. It is part of Wildlife and Countryside Link, a wider forum representing 46 voluntary environment organisations.

Acting Chair of Link’s Blueprint for Water Group, Hannah Freeman, said: “Over the last 30 years our freshwater species have declined by 76 per cent. Despite such losses less than one per cent of the UK’s entire river length and only a small proportion of wetlands are formally protected”

she added:

“Water Matters advocates us all working together to manage our water more sensitively, bringing sustainable benefits to the economy and a future full of wildlife-rich places that everyone can explore and enjoy.”


Mark Owen, Angling Trust’s Head of Freshwater, said: “All anglers want clean, healthy waters in which to fish and reversing the decline in the natural environment is essential in providing that. Measures to maintain and restore water habitats as well as long-term planning for water management are vital for the future of angling.”

Also launched today was the Farming fit for the Future publication setting out a vision that delivers benefits for farming communities and industries as well as restore natural environments.

Link’s Director, Dr Elaine King, said: “Farming and water are so closely linked. We therefore want the Government to take an integrated approach to ensuring that our land and water can provide us with life’s essentials: healthy food, clean drinking water, protection from flooding, secure livelihoods and access to beautiful green and blue spaces with thriving nature.”


Download Water Matters HERE (4MB PDF)


Media Contact:

Mark Owen

Head of Freshwater, Angling Trust



The Angling Trust is the national representative and governing body for angling in England. It is united in a collaborative relationship with Fish Legal, a separate membership association using the law to protect fish stocks and the rights of its members throughout the UK. Joint membership packages with Fish Legal are available for individuals, clubs, fisheries and other categories.