I don’t know exactly when it all started. There had been rumours and strange goings-on for many years before I was born and stories had been passed down the generations from family to family, father to son, mother to daughter, generation to generation. But no one could fully explain what ‘ the happenings’ were all about. They were a mystery as life itself is a mystery.

One day Grandad suddenly went missing and was nowhere to be found. We assumed he’d wandered off alone and would soon return. Then, before we knew it, a middle aged aunt also disappeared and was nowhere to be seen.

These disappearances had been so sudden and without warning that we became a little alarmed.

We knew from the stories we’d been told that mysterious disappearances had happened before and that we should be on our guard in case we too became part of the mystery; we huddled together for protection and returned home where we knew we’d be safe from harm.

Sometimes those who ventured out at night for a meal failed to return home while others returned with tales of how they had escaped from a mysterious force that tried to take them away.

As I grew up I realised that these happenings took place mostly during the Summer months, but it could be at any time day or night. Another strange thing I noticed was that it was nearly always the adults that were abducted – not the youngsters. Why was that I wondered.  All parents will know how you worry about children disappearing, but not adults so much.

Little did I know then that events were to take place that would reveal to me more than I wanted to know…

Most of the adults eventually returned from their abductions and were able to tell others of their experience. They described suddenly finding themselves swept to one side and being dragged away by an unseen force. They then found themselves in an unknown and hostile environment fighting for breath. Some lapsed into a semi conscious state and could not recall completely what had happened to them. To most of them it was a total blurring of all their senses. This was all very strange. What, exactly, did these aliens want from us? What was the purpose of all this?

I was soon to know.

I was now an adult, fit and strong and in good health. I was fortunate enough to have had a good diet during my teens and this was now paying dividends. I was sought after by most of the young females in the neighbourhood and was thoroughly enjoying a very hectic sex life. Then one day,as I was eating my dinner, suddenly and without warning I found myself being guided by some unseen force. Despite my struggles I was pulled harder. I struggled harder still, but despite my strength and fitness I could do nothing. I was now using all my strength and gasping for oxygen with all the effort I could muster; I tried to get away but to no avail: this unseen force was too strong for me and I knew, I just knew, that I was about to have my first sight of an alien.

Gasping and choking I found myself in a strange environment where I struggled to breath. Then I saw them: three huge alien creatures I still struggle to describe; never did I imagine any creature could look like these. They dropped me into a hammock suspended from a crane and hauled me up into the sky, all the while laughing and cheering….

“Bloody Hell – a ten pound male tench – you lucky bugger!!”