Sea Fishing Match Report
After the recent gales and flooding to hit the country the recent sea match between Helston and District Sea Anglers and their Falmouth counterparts was a hard-fought affair.

The venue for this match was the Cornish cod mecca, Loe Bar near Porthleven. With it’s deep fish-holding shelves this mark can produce well in the right conditions. On match day an unfavourable flat sea had the 12 man teams knowing this would be a tough match.

For the Helston side John Tucker top scored with a 2lb 1oz 4drm codling followed by Matthew Birchett who landed a 14oz 8drm whiting. Falmouth’s only catch being made by Dave Lennard with a 2lb 4drm dogfish. This fish was enough to secure Dave the top angler on the day and £ 46 in pools money. The Helston boys secured the match win with an accumulated points percentage. Drinks on Dave though?

Atlantic Tackle Shop (Helston) owner Stuart, tells me Loe Bar has been producing some top catches of cod in the right conditions, (this beach needs to be stormy to be at its best) he has heard of cod to 16lb being caught recently. Helston rods John Tucker and Neal Lovell have both scored well with small-eyed ray from this mark.

Trefussis Head in Falmouth is showing good sport for thornback ray, with Alan Martin capturing an 11lb 15oz specimen, during the recent Helston and District Open Festival. Alan picked up £ 100 for his efforts in this popular open competition. During the same competition Phil Knuckey of Camborne AC secured second spot with a 1lb 15oz golden grey mullet caught off Mevagissey Harbour wall, another hot spot of the moment.

On the North Coast there are still plenty of bass being caught from usual marks, Bedruthan Steps being one of the best. The Mounts Bay area of Penzance is still worth a look for small-eyed ray and bass and Par Sand is producing mixed bags of fish.

If you are thinking of sea fishing in Cornwall, Stuart at Atlantic Tackle is a good contact, he always has the up-to-date news and can supply fresh baits. You can contact him on 01326 561640.

More seaside reports from Pasty Land soon.