As most of you who visit Ireland on a regular basis will only to wellknow that there has been a massive decline in the quality of fishing in the past couple of years. There are various reasons why this decline is happening, the main ones being pollution, zebra mussels and illegal fishing practices. Something needs to be done but there are some stumbling blocks in the way. The easiest means to tackle the issue would be to make it illegal to kill any coarse fish, but there is nothing in current Irish law that covers this so we need the Minister responsible to make changes to the legislation. Above is a shocking image of dead coarse fish found in an illegal net that was removed from Lough Muckno in County Monaghan. As you will see from the picture there are a number of bream, pike and roach dead in these nets.
The second image is quite graphic as it shows the remains of a pike that was filleted and it’s carcass dumped. This fish was 40 inches long and would have been a fish of a lifetime for many anglers. These are just a small example of the serious cases of illegal practices that are being carried out throughout the country. So to put pressure on the Minister responsible, We, the Coarse Angling Action Group are asking anyone and everyone to visit an online petition site which we have set up and to add their name. There is a comment section and we do welcome any comments. You will more than likely see that there has been some negative response to the petition but we think that this will be very minimal. The site is located at this link: Thank you. Coarse Angling Action Group |