NORWAY Norway is the land of Vikings, those masters of raiding and pillaging that brought fear to the lands they plundered. Straight away then, we can see why Norway will appeal to the adventurous angler! With a population of some 4.5 million Norway would be uninhabitable so far north were it not for the Gulf Stream. But the fishing opportunities are excellent, with cod, coalfish and mackerel all along the coast, whilst salmon, sea trout and red char swim in many rivers. Freshwater lakes and ponds are abundant with pike, perch, eel, trout and char. The Norwegian people are friendly and down-to-earth. The scenery is nothing short of special and is quite unique, the summer nights being as bright as day and snowy winters make Norway a very special country. The fishing in Norway can be an amazing experience for the angler who wants to forget the commercial carp pools that proliferate in the UK and instead take a walk on the wild side of fishing. The Plahte Estate
Take the fishing on the Plahte Estate for instance, which has more than 160,000 acres of unspoilt and remote scenery, where you can fish for trout, sea trout and salmon in the lakes, cod, coalfish, haddock, Norway haddock, halibut, mackerel and Pollack, porbeagle and Greenland shark in the fjord. Or if you want a real challenge then go ice fishing for arctic char and trout. Accommodation is in real log cabins and some of those can be reached only by skiing! Fish in an area so unpolluted you can drink the water from the lakes and rivers where you catch the fish. Lindum Salmon Manor
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