The popular small lake in St George’s Park in Bristol is in desperate need of repair and maintenance and is due to be drained early this year to allow this work to be carried out.

However, anglers and concerned members of the public were outraged to hear that the large population of fish in the lake were to be killed following a decision made by the council and Local Neighbourhood Partnership.

John Cheyne, the Angling Trust’s National Regions Manager, quickly made contact with both the council and the neighbourhood partnership and having discussed the situation at length, Bristol City Council has now given an assurance that they will relocate healthy fish taken from the water instead of killing them.

John Cheyne said: “Common sense has prevailed and we are delighted that healthy fish will be saved. The lake is in need of work and there have been problems associated with angling in such a small and busy park, however that is no reason to simply exterminate the healthy fish.

“We have been delighted by the response from Rob Acton Campbell of the Local Neighbourhood Partnership since we approached him. We will help in every way we can with the relocating of the fish and the rejuvenation of the lake going forward.”

The Angling Trust is now in negotiation to ensure fish stocks are re-established once the work on the lake is complete and will be liaising with the council to ensure angling within Bristol parks is given the priority it deserves.

Further information:

John Cheyne:


Meeting at St George’s Park to discuss the future of the lake’s fish are (from left) Dean Asplin (Angling Trust), Tom Penn (Bristol City Council), John Cheyne (Angling Trust) and Rob Acton Campbell (Neighbourhood Partnership)


Angling Trust:


The Angling Trust is the national representative and governing body for angling in England. It is united in a collaborative relationship with Fish Legal, a separate membership association using the law to protect fish stocks and the rights of its members throughout the UK. Joint membership packages with Fish Legal are available for individuals, clubs, fisheries and other categories.


Find out all about the Angling Trust and its work at or call us on 01568 620447