Young carper Michael ‘Yappi’ Yiapatos continued his superb run ofform at Frimley. Having bagged three fish to 21lb 4oz on his firstvisit to Pit three on the complex his return saw this superb fish of26lb fall to his rods.

Fourteen-year-old Mike from Friern Barnet took the common on aTails Up Protavit Liver boilie fished on an eight inch Snakeskinhinge rig at the bottom of a marginal shelf with a handful offreebies.
Having also recently scored with a 20lb fish on Kingsmead Oneyoung Yappi is one to watch for the future.
Kingsmead OneThe Kingsmead One carp record was smashed with the capture of thisstunning 37lb 2oz common by sixteen-year-old Chertsey angler RobbieCarpenter.
Robbie tackled the 30 acre venue with a Century NG rod and ShimanoBig Pit Reel loaded with 15lb Fox Submerge braid. The hook was an ESPRaptor G4 size 6 to a 25lb Silkworm hook length.

The fish picked up a Carp Company Caviar and Cranberry boiliefished at 50 yards over a gravel bar with 20 freebies.
This carp was originally thought to be one of the oft seen butlittle caught big ‘originals’ which inhabit the water but comparisonof photographs has shown that it is, in fact, the fish known as theThorpe Park Common which was caught last season at 32lb.
This stunning looking fish has now put on over 10lb since itsintroduction to the water and looks set to top 40lb before the end ofthis season.
Terrific Head of Big Bream
Whilst best known as an up and coming carp water Kingsmead has aterrific head of big bream and the first of these was caught lastnight with young James Glasgow weighing in this cracker of 12lb 1oz.James fished of the Out of Bounds Point and took the fish on a 12mmpop-up cranberry boilie.
A few big bream specialists are fishing the water and there is adistinct possibility of an RMC bream record falling over the next fewmonths with a 15 or 16lb fish not out of the question.
Big CommonThe Kingsmead carp record was also smashed with a massive commonof 37lb 2oz, the third different common to top the 30lb mark in thefishery.