ALMOST EVERYTHING WENT TO PLAN… Having heard of a few good bream being caught from various venues around the area I thought it was time for me to attempt to cash in on some these outsized specimens.
Everything went to plan except that I didn’t see any fish – typical. After having a good wander around I decided on a swim about midway down one bank that gave me a good view over a large part of the lake. This would give me the opportunity to keep my eyes open for any fish and move if necessary. I had a good feel around with the marker rod and found some clean areas that rose about 6 inches, at about 25 yards from the bank. I gave each area about 10 apple-sized balls of groundbait. My groundbait had a base of scalded pellet, with a very generous helping of fishmeal, some binders, about 10% brown crumb and some loose goodies of corn, maggot and caster. This was whetted with hemp water and molasses. My set up consisted of 1 When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community.