Liverpool soccer star Arne Riise has had his luxury BMW stolen – by a car crook armed with a fishing rod.

Riise, 20, left the keys to his £ 25,000 BMW X5 on his hall table before settling down to watch television. But detectives believe a thief used a customised pole or fishing rod to hook the key ring and fish them out through the letterbox.

Police said organised gangs usually stole high performance and luxury vehicles to order.

Unusually, the £ 4million Norwegian defender’s car was found in perfect condition just three days after it was stolen from his home in the Woolton area of Liverpool.

Police have released details of the criminal’s MO to warn drivers to take care of their keys.

A spokeswoman said: “This crime is preventable if people get into the habit of not leaving their car keys on display in their halls.”

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