Will’s Day Out at Avington

Neil reports here on Will Golightly's day having won it in the 9th Annual James Farrow Charity Auction.

You can't catch carp in 'ere!

NoKnot's carpin' rule-bending recollections: Let's step back in time...

Small streaming

Garry Cullum goes for a wander along his favourite small stream

Summer of ’69

We have another trip down memory lane here from Andy (Skoda) Scholey with a holiday in the Broads.

Small Stream Adventures: Perch Perfect

This item, first published on Jeff's (Rufus on FM) blog, illustrates the fun in fishing small streams and catching some great fish.


Gary Cullum reminds us that fishing is not all just about the creatures beneath the surface

Goodbye Old Friend

Following on from Sean's last exploits where he showed us the importance of location, he tries again, but this time with disastrous results!!!

Ruffe fishing by design

Gary Cullum goes in search of monsters

Lucky Thirteen

Dr Paul Garner has a nice result on the Warks Avon

Tales of a Manchester Carp Fisher – Chs 7 and 8

In these chapters, the Monk explores a lake in the sky and discovers for the first time his famous ruffe (slappers?)
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