The Alternative Angler
A pole at £ 5.58 per inch! But blame the French says Alternative Angler Kevin Perkins
ReelRods Caption Competition Winners!
Here they are, the winners of the Caption Competition. Who's won the rod and reel from ReelRods?
Fishing Tackle, Why Are We Being Ripped Off?
Ron Clay explains the difference in the marketing of fishing tackle and other items in other parts of the world compared with Britain
Caldwell’s Chronicles
Eddie Caldwell is no fan of hot, dry weather, but he sorts things out and shows the trout who's the daddy
The Alternative Angler
Alternative Angler Kevin Perkins gets himself in a right old spin over spinners
Memoirs of an Angler of No Importance Part 4
"My moneybox was ransacked, and I went and bought - and I know you're going to cringe - a Junior Fishing Set," writes Davy North
The Early History of the Coarse Fishing Season
A number of forum threads have appeared about the close season, So The Monk thought some members may be interested in its humble beginnings
The Alternative Angler
Kevin Perkins tells us all about the entrepreneur Silliarses Itakurmoneyandrun and his new company easiFish.con
Ton-up, and Chuffed!
FISHINGmagic member Geoff Cowen makes his first 100lb-plus catch and he says he's "chuffed to bits"!
Big Prizes From Fishrite!
You still have time to win a fabulous prize worth £ 100.00 from Fishrite in our great competition