The Fish & Game Forecast
Anglers watch the weather with great interest, for they know that wind, rain and, especially, temperature, affects their sport. But what about the moon?
Caldwell’s Chronicles
Did you know Eddie Caldwell, FM's flyfishing columnist, used to do a bit of worming when he were a lad in Lancashire?
The Fens – Part Three
The third article in Chris Bishop's fascinating Fenland series. Chris talks to a Sheffield match angler who witnessed the days when umpteen trains and coach loads fished the fens every week.
The Alternative Angler
Alternative Angler Kevin Perkins says we're all looking for a Superbait, but are we just causing confusion?
The Adventures Of Donald Effingham-Mudde & Damien
It's prize-giving night and Donald gives a speech. But what's Damien up to? No good, that's for sure!
End Of Season Ramblings
An article from a FISHINGmagic member who wishes to remain anonymous. And everybody in it's anonymous as well. The names have been changed to protect the innocent, he says....
Carp Are God?
There are thousands of anglers who think carp are god, but even they would be hard pushed to make up a story like this!
The TopLine Story
Special Feature/Review. Twelve months on and TopLine is proving a firm favourite with every angler who has tried it. Graham goes to Germany to see how it's made.
The Alternative Angler
Alternative Angler Kevin Perkin's guide to the single species angler and his single-minded drinking habits.
Fishrite Winner For February!
Here he is, the first winner of our fabulous Fishrite competition for February......