Tale Of A Zander Trip
Gary Knowles fishes the Fens for the first time, nets his first zed, falls foul of Scouse zander - and it's all thanks to the sleepy southerners.
The Alternative Angler
Alternative Angler Kevin Perkins asks, Is angling striving to embrace the future with up to the minute materials and technology, while keeping both feet jammed firmly in the past?
Caldwell’s Chronicles
A round-up of top trout waters from flyfishing columnist Eddie Caldwell who says he doesn't mind a closed season on his favourite waters as long as he's got somewhere else to fish.......
Two Years In Fletchers Valley
A Shire Campaign. It's a man's life in the Brotherhood says The Monk. Time Bandits Rule okay!
The Alternative Angler
Alternative Angler Kevin Perkins introduces the occasional magazine for the game and sea angler.......
Digital Diary: Good To Fish Again
We had to wait for well over an hour, which was expected being as the water was so clear, before Dave had the first bite
Fishrite Xtreme 100 Rucksack
A top quality rucksack in the best Fishrite tradition, designed to comfortably carry all your gear in an organised and logical way - and you can win one with FISHINGmagic!
Fishing And Twitching
"Birdwatching has always been a passion of mine," says Mark Williams "and, I notice, for a great many FISHINGmagic members."
Fantastic Offer From Fishrite!
DON'T FORGET! - Fishrite are exclusively offering Fishingmagic readers £ 100 worth of product free every month for the next six months.
The Fens – Part Two
The second article in a regular monthly series, exclusive to FISHINGmagic, where Chris Bishop gives us all the fascinating facts about the fisheries, fish and fisherfolk of Fenland.