The Scales Never Lie…
Barney and McWallet make a return trip to the Ribble for an evening's chubbing - in more ways than one......
Fishers On The Green Roads
The third instalment of 'MAC', a chapter from Barrie Rickards' whimsical novel 'Fishers On The Green Roads'.
Caldwell’s Chronicles
Trout fishing columnist Eddie Caldwell continues with his holiday plans for the new year.
The Alternative Angler
Kevin Perkins looks at his Christmas presents and wonders if fluorescent lures are all they're supposed to be.
Popping The Piking Cherry
Stuart Black mentioned on the forum that he'd never caught a pike and, with a little help, in no time at all he'd popped his piking cherry.
The Old Man And Jimmy
A moving story by Henry Hall. If you don't have a lump in your throat when you've read this you need to check your pulse.
Angler had a shock when he reached into his fridge for a 'dead' fish that came back to life.
Ten Below And Falling
Following a number of requests on the forum The Monk has sent us this article from his 'Tales From The Shires' series which appeared in some of the early carp magazines.
Caldwell’s Chronicles
Trout fishing columnist Eddie Caldwell makes his holiday plans for the new year.