Pilgrim’s Progress
"Playing my usual guessing games, I put the fish as a chub in the 4-5 lb bracket. Imagine my surprise when I slipped the net under an eel, which weighed in at a shade over 1 lb." Writes Stewart Bloor.
Liam Lands His First Double
RMC Angling boss Ian Welch gets his ghillie's hat on (again) and goes carp fishing with son Liam, 7, to net and unhook the fish.
Return To Fishing
There was no name on this lovely little story about a return to fishing but we bring it to you for your enjoyment anyway.
Essential Fashion Item?
We don't know if this item was designed with anglers in mind, but we sure do like the pictures! And we have some good ideas for its use in fishing.
Caldwell’s Chronicles
When the weather is foul Eddie Caldwell is quite happy to sit at home with a bottle of whisky and a couple of cans of cold Stella whilst reminiscing about the good old days gone by.
Another PB Barbel For Dave
Stoke on Trent angler Dave Colclough nets yet another personal best barbel from the River Dove.
The Alternative Angler
Alternative Angler Kevin Perkins brings up the question of sex in fishing and proposes that we make a FISHINGmagic nude calendar. Who's up for it then?
Pilgrim’s Progress
Stewart Bloor remembers 'the big three', rivers that is, and makes a return visit to the upper Trent.
Caldwell’s Chronicles
"You name it and I tried it. I was so desperate that if the bailiff had turned up on one of his tours I think I would have tied him on the line and slung him in!" Says Eddie Caldwell
The Alternative Angler
Kevin Perkins tackles stress and asks, "Are your fishing trips always carefree, or do you come back with more problems than you went with? Do doubts creep in even when you are planning the trip, will....?