Caldwell’s Chronicles
Eddie Caldwell discusses leaders, fluorocarbon lines and why he wished he'd bought a new reel a long time ago........
The Alternative Angler
Kevin Perkins wonders if the vogue for recording 'Personal Bests' would be better and fairer if it was replaced with Venue Records.
Pilgrim’s Progress
""The venue in question has some very good fish, but also has the reputation of being 'hard'. Still, 'no pain, no gain' as they say," says Stewart Bloor.
Caption Competition No. 5 Winner!
Who sent in the best entry to our Caption Competition No.5 and won the Deluxe Carp Carryall from FISHRITE?
New FISHRITE Tackle Catalogue
The new FISHRITE tackle guide to an excellent range of products, including many new items for 2002.
The Alternative Angler
Alternative Angler Kevin Perkins sifts through the job applications, ponders about the new ACA, AFA and ASA and ends on a sad note.
Pilgrim’s Progress
It's carp and more carp as the 'committee' get hot under the collar and wind themselves up for a banning spree.
Caldwell’s Chronicles
"I then did what I often do in such situations. I put my rod down on the bank, selected from my bag a special pork pie purchased on Bury Market that morning and went for a reflective walk along the bank......."
Caption Competition No. 5
Think of a witty caption to the photograph in our competition and win a Deluxe Carp Carryall from FISHRITE.
Bloop – Evidence Of Sea Monsters?
The next time you rack up the lager and take a deep sea fishing trip, keep your ears open, advises Chris Bishop. If you hear a 'bloop', up that anchor and head back for the coast!