The Alternative Angler

This week Alternative Angler Kevin Perkins contemplates the imponderables and considers communal bivvies, complete camouflage and wonders about the design of some tackle.

Pilgrim’s Progress

"Unable to get into the main bream swims I was faced with a choice, either to fish elsewhere on the venue and target carp, or to put Plan B into operation. Plan B won."

Free Copy Of The Fishing Tackle Auction Handbook

Want to know a few good sources of cheap tackle? Then earn yourself a free copy of this book due to be published later this summer.

The Alternative Angler

Kevin wonders why there are so few female anglers and makes a few suggestions - Perhaps a timely reminder is that the views of our contributors are not necessarily............. You're on your own Kevin!

Pilgrim’s Progress

"I see fishing as a package deal. Take away the wildlife, the birds, the nature and the experience of being in the outdoors, and to be frank I think that the actual angling itself would be much poorer as a result."

Caption Competition No. 4 Winner!

Who posted the best entry to our Caption Competition No.4 and won the Glug and Soak Case from FISHRITE?

The Alternative Angler

Alternative Angler Kevin Perkins and brother-in-law Bob, the Esox Boys, target pike over 25lbs. How did they go on? Let's just say it was eventful.........

Pilgrim’s Progress

Sedge is always being asked how often he fishes - easy when you only work one day a week innit?

The Alternative Angler

A brand new and regular weekly column from Kevin Perkins. This first article takes a look at Tickletackle plc, a new company that specialises in those items that fall into the "why didn't I think of that?" category.

Caption Competition No. 4

Think of a witty caption to the photograph in our competition and win a Glug and Soak Case from Fishrite.
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