Shark Week on Discovery Channel
Discovery Channel's Shark Week celebrates 20th year as summer's most anticipated television event (Video clips).
The Trent Barbel Fish-in 2007
Lee Swords on the fish-in and the bloody battle led by Field Marshal Clay of the 45th Natal Native Air Rifles.
The FM Charity Carp Match 2007
Richard Farrow and friends write their own stories about the latest Charity Carp Match and James Farrow Memorial Trophy event.
The FM Kingsbury Water Park Fish-In, 2007
'Pikey' Paul Howarth with the full illustrated story of the fishing/social event at Kingsbury Water Park.
The FishingMagic Charity Carp Match
On line auction to support the renowned annual carp match, combined with the James Farrow Memorial Trophy.
The FM Keith Culley Memorial Match 2007
Another good turn-out for what has become FM's premier event. Who lifted the trophy this year? Steve Spiller (DB) reports.
The 4th FishingMagic Fly Fish In
Ron Clay tells the story of an FM Fish-in he will never forget, thanks to the Bone Collector.
Portumna Spring Classic
One of Ireland's most prestigious matches, and results proved that the Shannon at Portumna is back to its best!
UK Tench Championships
The format for this popular Tench Championships match has changed to a 24 hour event.
Lancashire ‘Festival of Fly Fishing’
Lancashire 'Festival of Fly Fishing' at Stocks Reservoir will feature two world class fly fishing acts from the USA.