Passion for… Wensum Roach

How strange. After some of the best, gruelling months on the Wye I have known, with some extraordinary barbel for that river,...

Boxes & Trays

MOST USED The humble bait box is not just good for keeping maggots or...

Passion for Barbel… Touch Legering Thoughts

A couple of days back I mentioned The Big Fish Scene compiled by Frank Guttfield back in 1978. I was especially interested...

Lure Fishing with Robbie Northman #38

Night Time – Bite Time We're back at that time of year where the days seem unsettlingly short....

Packham and his Platform

As a one-time professional historian, I had sympathy for Huw Edwards this week for being roundly censored by his employer, the BBC....

Passion For Barbel… The Winter Wolves are Howling

The third frost in succession. 7 degrees air temperature at 4.00pm yesterday when I was baiting up. November ticking away remorselessly. The...

The Letters of Reverend E C Alston

Part 1 I assume that one of the pleasures of collecting, or even handling, an item of vintage fishing...

Little Big River

ANGLING HAVEN In the quest for consistent winter fishing, many people might head for...

Lure Fishing with Robbie Northman #37

Monsters Emerge It’s been an eventful week, many miles travelled across countless venues, with plenty of perch action...

Passion for Pure Rivers

On the 31st October The Sunday Times carried nigh on a full page review of the campaigning work carried out by Feargal Sharkey. “Sharkey’s circling...
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