Passion for Barbel… A Wye Afternoon

I count myself very fortunate that I have a clutch of young fishing pals because I like to get down with the...

Gone Fishing: The Consultant’s View – The Severn

SERIES 4, EPISODE 6 So, the last ep in Series 4 aired last night, Sunday 3rd October. There’s a...

Passion for Barbel… Flood Thoughts

Life eh? All summer we have have been bemoaning river levels too low then, in a trice, the Wye is six feet...

Ranunculus… The Truth

A couple of days back, I went for one of the more enlightening meetings of my life at the Wye & Usk...

Dave Coster’s Fishing Diary – September

WEEDY SURPRISE Matches were due to start next month on the Fossdyke Canal, so...

Lure Fishing with Robbie Northman #32

Pike Plans Autumn is here, short days, cooler nights and happy pike. I avoid pike fishing on the...

A Cautionary Tale

A month ago Dick and Dave came fishing with me down on the Wye. Two lovely blokes I have known forever and...

Gone Fishing: The Consultant’s View – Welsh Wild Carp

SERIES 4, EPISODE 5 First, all the blindingly obvious observations. The landscape in the Borders is staggering. The weather...

Switching with the Seasons

BALMY DAYS Summer has departed and memories of enjoyable days spent by picturesque lakes,...

Lure Fishing with Robbie Northman #31

From Striped Bass to Sea Bass Two days spent on the bank with Joe. It had probably been...
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