Crafty Carp Caught from Match Lake

18-pounder sets new best for match water where the average is 3 to 5lb.

Trent & Mersey Canal Polluted

Thousands of prime fish killed as cyanide discharge ravages canal.

Horton Boat Pool Cat Record

The best catfish caught from Horton's Boat Pool has been equalled with a 42-pounder.

No Cause Found Yet Says EA

Environment Agency still searching for Welsh Dee pollution cause.

Great Gran Takes the Title

Great grandmother Lillian Wells wins Ladies National Championship.

Massive Chub Catch from Old River Lee

Eleven over 5lb to a best of 6lb 4oz for Edmonton angler

Pike Sold for Pet Food

Shannon Regional Fisheries Board selling gill-netted pike for pet food

New Carp Record for Chertsey

27lb 8oz common takes the record for Ian.

Otter Sightings

Otters thriving in Yorkshire, north-east and sightings in Derbyshire.

New Record for Kingsmead One

The Denge Mirror captured at new record weight for Kingsmead One.
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