Bream and Tench at Long Range

Phil Hackett with a guide to successful big bream and tench fishing at long range - baiting and fishing at distance

The Pleasure Angle – Floatfishing the Upper Layers

More about 'The Forgotten Arts' from Mark Hodson who writes about up top, on the drop, the art of floatfishing the upper layers

How to Make Bread Paste

Andrew Wedgbury says bread paste is the anglers bread and butter. So here's a recipe from him to help you make it.

The Pleasure Angle – Tinca Tantrums

Mark Hodson loves his tench fishing but knows that the days are numbered when those fussy ladies are moderately easy to tempt

The Pleasure Angle – Touch Legering

Mark Hodson describes in great detail 'The Forgotten Art' of touch legering. Are you in touch with your fish?

The Forgotten Arts – Long Range Waggler Part 2

Mark Hodson with more in depth information about the forgotten art of long range waggler fishing

The Forgotten Arts – Long Range Waggler Part II

Mark Hodson tells us why we should be using the long range waggler alot more, giving us enligtenment on the technique while he does.

Four Flies for the Press Manor Fish-in

Neil Thomas (NT) with the four flies he will be tying at the Press Manor, Andy Wright Memorial, Fish-in in May. He used these successfully at last year's fish-in

The Pleasure Angle – Long Range Waggler Part 1

Mark Hodson with Part 1 of a treatise on the forgotten art of long range waggler float fishing

Attention To Detail

Matt Brown asks what makes most successful anglers different? Why does one angler catch more fish than another?
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