Learn To Lure Fish The Professional Way
Professional angling coach, sponsored by leading lure people Harris Angling, offers lessons in lure fishing.
Modern Carp Angling
Graham wonders if carp fishing will eventually stagnate following all the innovations and progress in the last 50 years
Trotting Part 4 – Avons, Balsas and Sticks
In the final part of this four part step-by-step series on river trotting Mark Wintle looks in more detail at floats attached at the top and bottom
Trotting Part Three – Waggler Fishing
In Part 3 of this four part step-by-step series on river trotting Mark Wintle looks at floats attached bottom end only, better known as wagglers
Trotting Part Two – Tricky Situations
Mark Wintle continues his series of four step-by-step articles that dissect river float trotting. In part 2 he looks at holding back and over-shotting.
Trotting Part 1 – Introduction
With the new river season just a month away regular FM contributor Mark Wintle starts a timely new series of four step-by-step articles that dissect river float trotting.
Wossit Weigh, Mate?
Mark Wintle weighs up the pros and cons of the different types of scales used in fishing and advises how to weigh fish accurately.
The Carp Column
Big Rik is back after an extended break with a timely piece about springtime carping, one of the most productive times of the year.
Quality Carping
The first in a series of regular carp articles from carp connoisseur Stuart Dennis. In this article Stuart, with a little help from The Monk, sorts out the sore question of soaking particles.
The Bait Stick
Stix, mix and exploding stix. Stuart Dennis gets his head round the Korda Boilie Funnel and adds his own special influence to the equation.