SealSkinz Socks from Porvair
A waterproof sock developed in response to feedback from retailers and consumers
Wasps Attack Anglers
Angler lands a '30' and then he and fishing pal have to fight off a swarm of wasps. What to do in an emergency.
Landing, Handling and Unhooking Pike
In spite of its size and impressive set of teeth, the pike is one of our most fragile species says Paul Hiom.
Lucido Torches
A new concept in torches lights the way to better and cheaper night fishing.
Fishers Green Best for Boss
Using the rolling bait technique produces best of season barbel for fishery chief.
The Carp Column
Carp in the Margins - using the stealthy approach and bird watching to locate carp, and the best feed and tactics for catching them.
Purely For Pleasure
A new series for pleasure anglers, those who have no leanings towards either specialist or match fishing but simply want to enjoy a good day's fishing.
New Carp Record From Linear – Update
Oxford's St Johns Lake produces new record carp for 14 year old. News of other big carp catches and a new video release. Plus today's update.
SBS Nitro Method Mix
A Method Mix that mixes into a hard, sticky consistency that has a good action in the water, fizzing and spewing tantalising particles into the surrounding area.
The World According to Wurzel
Wurzel would like to give us a KISS. Or at least he tells us to Keep It Simple Stupid.