Did You Know?
How many lakes in the UK? How many miles of river and coastline? How many fishing licences were sold last year? These, and more fascinating facts.
America is Carping Again
A Potted history of carp in the States as fishing for carp is making a comeback over there as waters are cleaned up and anglers are rediscovering the once-prized fish
Mean Lures from Harris Angling
I took out half a dozen Mean Lures and caught a pike on each, including a double.
The Baits & Flavours Column
A minefield or a valuable part of fishing? Asks Dave Dowding in this new column devoted to baits, groundbaits and flavours.
The Idiot's Guide to Flyfishing
Part one in a brand new series for the would-be trout angler in which Paul Fletcher shows us how to make a start in flyfishing.
SBS CSL Pellets
Corn Steep Liquor in pellet form - they give off a heady, stimulating aroma, that wafts into your nostrils like the steam in a Bisto ad.
John Alden Knight’s Solunar Tables
Unravelling the Mystery of Fishing's Best Times - The Moon Theory, USA style.
The Carp Column
Groundbaiting for big carp is very seldom used by anglers and can be a different and devastating method at all times of the year. Get on it before they all find out!
Sufix Invisiline (10lb)
The first test I applied to Invisiline was the ability to catch more fish. And the second test was to try it for strength.