Skorpion Bristle Hooks
Big Fish Adventure are noted for quality carping gear, but these Bristle Hooks raise a few questions...
Free Fishing Lessons
Youngsters in Dorset can reel in a winner next month by having free fishing lessons from the Environment Agency.
Fly Fishing is Easy
So says Gary Knowles, but gives a few tips anyway to make it easier still.
A Century of Carp Fishing
I have never been much of a carp fisher, but you would have to be a strange bod not to love this book.
Wychwood Rover Quiver
If there is one bit of kit that I have become very attached to since the beginning of the new river season, it is the Wychwood Rover Quiver.
The Fishing Simulator Game
No matter what kind of fishing you enjoy, be it match, pleasure or specimen, this Made-in-the-UK PC Game caters for all.
The Complete Barbel Angler
I think it is fairly clear even to the most untrained eye, that the title of this book is a little presumptuous.