Capturing Clarissa
Capturing Clarissa - a sound recording by Dick Walker, in his own words.
The Felton Family Seduction
John Olliff-Cooper breathes heavily over elderly crosswind women. Sorry, I mean crosswind reels!
Fishing Weirpools
Having spent more than 12 years now trying to work out how to fish a weirpool, Jeff gives his best advice, for all it's worth.
Review – Squabs Shelf Life Bait Range
Squabs and shelf-life Cheese Feast Whisker Sticks are recently introduced baits and here, Graham Marsden gives them a short term test..
Better Boat Fishing part 5
In this final part 5 Eric moves on to the methods best employed from a boat.
Wizard by Name
I'm pretty sure, everyone over the age of six can complete that little aphorism . Wizard by name - wizard by nature. In the case of Allcocks' famous Wallis Wizard rod, these words were never more true.
The Acquired Arte of Worme Getteing
Here's an archive piece: an article from Mr Mole on how to catch those wriggly worms...
What Types of PVA are there?
Samantha Collins-Ratcliffe takes us through a brief introduction into the uses of PVA products for fishing.
Better Boat Fishing part 4
Eric Edwards continues his boat fishing series with a look at the the rods and reels he uses