Wychwood SPD Carp Shelter
A back to basics design that should suit those anglers who want versatility and have a strong back.........
Grauvell Barbel Bionic Rod
A first look at a barbel rod from Spanish company Grauvell that doesn't make the grade. Not with Graham anyhow.
Jim Williams’ Furled Leaders
Furled leaders for trout fishing have been around since at least Izaac Walton's day, but the modern equivalents make for immaculate fly presentation
The Fenland Thirties, A History
Chris Bishop reviews a booklet that records the history of fenland pike that topped the magical 30lb mark
Buyer’s Guide to Bivvies
The first in a series of buying guides to help you make the right choice when buying fishing tackle - Buying a bivvy
Fishrite Stainless Metalware
All new stainless metalware from Fishrite, including a rod pod that breaks down to a very easy to carry size
Fishrite Weigh Sling
A new range of weigh slings from Fishrite that will weigh fish safely and securely
Badger Specialist Barbel Rod
A designer barbel rod with an Avon top and a quivertip top that won't break the bank
Wychwood Wildrun System XL Bag
A game angler's bag that can easily be used by any angler who prefers the carryall type rather than a rucksack
John Roberts Boilie Dip Jackets
Give your boilie an overcoat of colour and flavour to give those fish a quick and easy treat