The Linear Report
Len Gurd reports with the latest news from Oxford's Shimano Linear Fisheries complex - Personal best ghost carp caught from St Johns, plus lots of 20lb-plus carp.
RMC News Roundup
New record grass carp from Horton Church Lake heads a list of stunning catches of big fish from RMC Angling waters.
Kazakhstan Catfish Of The Ily Delta
Much travelled angler Doug Summers tells us the story about his latest trip to exotic places with an account of catching monstrous moggies from Kazakhstan, Russia.
The Linear Report
Len Gurd reports with the latest news from Oxford's Shimano Linear Fisheries complex - 30-pounders from Gaunts and St Johns and a massive catch of big carp on floaters from St Johns.
RMC News Roundup
A week's fishing on the Nutrabaits Yateley Pads Lake produces a massive haul of big carp topped by two 30's.
New Fishing Guide To The Broads
'Angle On The Broads', a magazine that gives details of where to fish, what species to catch, codes of conduct, how to handle fish and great features on watercourses in the Broads area.
The Linear Report
Len Gurd reports with the latest news from Oxford's Shimano Linear Fisheries complex -numerous big fish caught topping 30lb, including a 37-pounder from Gaunts Lake and 'cut-tail' at 39.14 from Manor Farm.
The Linear Report
Len Gurd reports with the latest news from Oxford's Shimano Linear Fisheries complex - plenty of carp being caught and some good tench coming out.
New Look Linear-Fisheries Website
The Shimano-Linear Fisheries complex has a new, improved and updated website.
The Magic Of Lake Nasser
Barrie Rickards fishes an Egyptian lake so large it would stretch from Cambridge to North Yorkshire, with 4000 miles of shoreline.