Lymm Angling Club Notes
Lymm Dam is on fire with all species feeding well, while the tench fishing is excellent on Whitley Pool, Lymmvale and the Sankey Canal.
The Linear Report
Len Gurd reports with the latest news from Oxford's Shimano Linear Fisheries complex - 33lb 8oz fully scaled mirror from Hardwick, a 10lb 10oz bream from Yeomans and 22 tench to 9lb 2oz from Unity top the catches.
Lymm Angling Club Notes
The bigger waters are coming on song with tench to 9lb 8oz from Lymmvale and a 25lb mirror from Lymm Dam.
Caldwell’s Chronicles
They say a week is a short time in politics; 'They' ought to try fishing, says Eddie, referring to fishing conditions. With reports on many trout fisheries.
The Linear Report
Len Gurd reports with the latest news from Oxford's Shimano Linear Fisheries complex - The big news is a 3.11 roach from Hardwick. Also carp to 33.12 taken.
Lymm Angling Club Notes
Lymmvale is kicking into gear with tench to 8lb and golden orfe to 4lb, while the biggest carp was a 21lb leather.
Lymm Angling Club Notes
Some decent bream are being caught from Lymm Dam, Statham Pool and the Sankey Canal, while tench by the dozen are being netted from Whitley Pool.
Do Waters Have IQ’s?
John McLaren responds to Graham's recent article 'We Know Nowt!', with a tongue-in-cheek attempt to figure out why that method that used to empty the lake is now as effective as the line-less reel.
RMC News Roundup
Two 7lb chub end the season at Fishers green, a 27.14 carp from Sandhurst and the in-depth story of the capture of 'Mallins' at 42lb 4oz from Wraysbury One.
The Linear Report
UPDATE - Len Gurd reports with the latest news from Oxford's Shimano Linear Fisheries complex - more carp to well over 30lb taken from Manor Farm Lake and Hunts Corner.