Lymm Angling Club Notes

Senior match anglers win Angling Times Winter League North of England Semi Final

More Big Pike From Blithfield

The latest pike fishing days at Staffordshire's Blithfield Reservoir, although hard going in coloured water, have produced several pike over 30lb.

The Linear Report

Len Gurd reports with the latest news from Oxford's Shimano Linear Fisheries complex - Plenty of big carp to 29lb being caught.

RMC News Roundup

Massive specimens set an awesome standard for big chub fishing at Fishers Green. And one's a record for RMC.

Lymm Angling Club Notes

Carp to 15lb from Belmont Pool and a 12lb carp caught on a pole from Grimsditch Mill Pool, but little more due to the bad weather.

Lake Nasser Safari

Join Barrie Rickards, Tim Baily or John Wilson for a safari to Lake Nasser in southern Egypt to hunt the mighty Nile perch

40lb Fully Scaled Mirror

Dave Ball nets the fully scaled mirror carp from RMC angling's Sutton Lake 2 syndicate water at a new best weight. And it's his fourth 40-pounder this season!

Lymm Angling Club Notes

Some decent pike from Tabley Moat but most waters have suffered from the frosts with catches down on usual standards.

The Linear Report

UPDATE - Len Gurd reports with the latest news from Oxford's Shimano Linear Fisheries complex - All waters are fishing and some PB's have been broken.

Lymm Angling Club Notes

The carp scene is quiet but despite the floods two members fished the Severn at Rossall Grange and caught barbel.
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