Peche en Champagne Winter Report

End of season report on the French Peche en Champagne fisheries - the current carp related activities.

River Level Check

The telephone numbers to ring to find out the water level of the river you want to visit.

Other Angles

An occasional article to give you an idea about angling in other parts of the world - This from Minnesota, USA.

Lymm Angling Club Notes

Fishing is steady but not hectic on numerous waters, especially on the Cyanide stretch of the Sankey Canal.

The Tarpon Of Gabon

An exotic African adventure fishing from a camp to the south of the Gabonese capital Libreville for the tackle-smashing tarpon.

The Linear Report

Len Gurd reports with the latest news from Oxford's Shimano Linear Fisheries complex - big carp being caught in spite of the cold conditions.

The Linear Report

UPDATE, 30 NOVEMBER Len Gurd with the latest news from Oxford's Shimano Linear Fisheries complex - Carp to 28lb and a pike to just over 20lb.

RMC News Roundup

Top river carper Neil Wayte nobbles a brace of 20’s, Amwell’s well known resident Jaffa tops 38lb, and more stock for Yateley and K1.

Lymm Angling Club Notes

Good catches from the Bollin are reported but the highlight of the week is the capture of a possible record chub from the Severn/Vyrnwy.

Lymm Angling Club Notes

Spring Pool produces the specimens while Farm Pool remains in red hot form. Rivers are fishing well too, with barbell to over 8lb and chub over 4lb from Atcham.
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