In May the second unofficial Catfish World Championship takes place on Spain’s River Ebro and Black Cat, one of the main event sponsors, is this year going to take a more active part in the competition by entering their own team in the event.

Ingo KuprianZebco marketing manager, Frerk Petersen, confirmed that the team would rely upon the vast experience of German catfish specialists Ingo Kuprian and Uwe Barthel who both come from greater Frankfurt and are highly experienced in pellet fishing techniques.


In the past few years both anglers have distinguished themselves by consistently catching large specimens from the Ebro, many in excess of 90kg and they are likely to be a pairing to be reckoned with in what is rapidly becoming a major event in the catfishing calendar.

Uwe BarthelUwe Barthel commented:

“I am looking forward to the upcoming World Championships in May and I hope that our team can score one of the top ranks and represent the Black Cat brand well.”

Details of the 2012 event can be found HERE and FishingMagic will be bringing you further news and full coverage of the event in due course.