is a new British website which has been created with the intention of campaigning for the stocking of muskies into waters in the United Kingdom.
The website points out that most species such as rainbow trout and carp, which enjoy widespread popularity in this country, are themselves alien introductions, and that a species like muskellunge would occupy a valuable niche, especially as it thrives in warmer waters than our own native pike. With global warming become more serious over the next few years we should seriously be thinking about what species we should fish for in the future. The website also intends to provide a forum for anyone interested in the species to be able to communicate with other muskie fans both in the United Kingdom, Europe and, of course, the United States with a view to planning trips over to the States to fish for the species. The site is in its infancy at the moment, and they are looking for contributions and ideas from anglers who have been over to the States fishing for muskies. In fact, welcomes contributions from all shades of opinion on this subject, and you can even give your own views about stocking muskies in the UK in an online poll. Website: Contact: |