![]() ![]() Lindholme Lakes (Doncaster) and its new 80 peg disabled-friendly Bonsai Lake was the stage for this the inaugural event in: disabled-angler.co.uk‘s Charity fund raising events calendar for 2006. The owner Neil added spice to the days event by kindly sponsoring a £ 200 golden peg, this was fished by fellow dangler Midge Milnes. Poor Midge, it was either the pressure of the money or having the pleasure of me sitting one side of him (Free Peg he reckoned) and Slacklines pegged on the other that guaranteed the safety of Neil’s generous offer of £ 200 or was it anything to do with the friendly (mischievous) banter which was flowing around the lake? As people who have fished our fundraisers before will know, the banter is a major part of the days fun. This match had a double meaning for being staged, as it was not only to raise funds for our chosen charities but also to commemorate the memory of a sadly missed disabled-angler Steven Platts. Steven’s family had donated £ 300 to the competition pools and a memorial trophy to the winner. Look out for the full story coming soon in the new disabled-angler Magazine. The man in-charge of the days proceedings was organiser Andrew Archer and what a cracking job he did, assisted by the Vice Chairman of the danglers Ian (give me your money) Cloke. I think he’s found his true vocation gathering money as no one dare say no, especially when talks of early baths were mentioned. Winner Terry is no stranger to the winners podium, putting his experience and knowledge of the water in to good practice by taking top honors out of the 38 competitors, with a mixed bag of fish all caught on worm in the upper layers of the water, fishing at 13mtrs. I would just like to finish by thanking everyone who made the day such a great success not forgetting those guys who got wet weighing-in and to the owner Neil for his support and for the use of his facilities and to Andy for his generous donation to the charity fund. Thank You. “You did the charities proud chaps” For more info and the full story on this event, including pictures, visit disabled-angler.co.uk’s. |