22nd May 2000

I’ve just scored a first! I’m the first one to do a second Dexter’s Day for Coarse Fisherman magazine. To those who don’t take the mag Dexter’s Day is a day’s fishing for one of the contributors and the editor, Stu’ Dexter. Stu doesn’t actually fish much on the day because he’s too busy with the camera.

I suppose I’ve been lucky in that I haven’t been struck too badly by Stu’s ‘Kiss of Death’, in that many of the writers who’ve done a Dexters have either blanked or had a real struggle. My first Dexter’s Day was on the river Dove last year and I had a few barbel, chub and perch.

On my second and most recent Dexters the target was bream, and I chose Boundary Water Park in Cheshire, a water that isn’t too far from me and which I knew had produced a few bream in the last month or so.

It wasn’t an easy option because I had never fished the water before. So me, Eddie Bibby and Dave Colclough had an evening session a few days before the Dexters to get a feel for the place. We caught a few bream so I felt reasonably confident of catching something for the cameras on the day.

As if it isn’t hard enough catching fish for the camera they have to make it even more difficult by telling you how they want you to fish. I was on orders that day to use specialist methods rather than match style.

Now, the water responds well to both styles, but my best chance would have been with a maggot, caster, sweetcorn and swimfeeder approach, relying on a quivertip rod to do the job. With the match angler approach you have a much better chance of working up a swim over a period, whereas the specialist approach is more of a waiting game. Trouble is, you don’t have a lot of time to wait because the photographer wants to get the job done and dusted in daylight and go home.

So I chose the next best thing and fished two rods on a pod with swinger indicators, one with boilie and method feeder, and one with corn and groundbait feeder.

But I won’t spoil the feature for you and tell you exactly what happened, suffice it to say that I caught a few bream and the day turned out okay. But here are a few pictures to whet your appetite.