Drennan Feeder Bombs | |
OverviewThe latest design of maggot feeder from Drennan comes in a shape similar to the Arlesey bomb, defined as being the best casting lead ever designed. The feeder is attached to the main line by the swivel at the top end. This is connected internally by a length of power gum material to the weighted closure cap at the bottom end. Along the side there is a further weight making up the total tare weighting, including the plastic housing, of the feeder.
To open the feeder simply lift off the bottom with your thumb and push it over the edge, where it will stay. Fill the feeder with maggots (this can also be done by pushing the feeder through the tub of maggots) and then slide the weighted base back to its closed position. The whole beauty of this feeder is that, with practice, you can perform the entire operation single handed whilst holding your rod and reel in your other hand. Having cast the feeder, which is said to fly better than most other feeders because of the design I mentioned earlier, it lands on the lake or river bed – flat to the floor. This is thanks to the side weight. It is a position that many anglers will prefer the feeder to be in rather than having it sticking up on end when it could spook fish. The feeders come in four different sizes, 12 grams, 16 grams, 22 grams, and 30 grams, and in two different colours, green or brown. Some shops may sell them in packs of two, in others they may be sold singly. Prices are around 95-99p each.