Price: £ 1.95 FOR A PACK OF THREE

Some enormous chub have been caught in the last couple of years or so through anglers using a form of method feeder in the shape of one or two maggots on a tiny hook to a fine, short hooklength and the hooklength then trapped against the feeder via a loop under an elastic band.

A bit fiddly to fit but made easier if you use a pair of forceps
The idea has been to attract the chub to the blockend feeder and the maggots that have been spewing from it and present them with a hookbait that lies right in the thick of that herd of maggots crawling from the feeder.

It’s a clever way of disguising the maggots that carry that tiny curve of sharpened steel by presenting it in the thick of those that are ‘safe’.

The method is then compounded with the bolt-rig effect of the short hooklength that tugs the tiny hook into the chub’s lips as soon as it sucks the bait in, pulls the little loop of line from under the elastic band and comes up against the heavy feeder as it straightens up.

Now that enterprising company Enterprise have made the job a lot easier by manufacturing a bolt-on line clip for the feeder, negating the use of elastic bands and providing a means of tensioning the clip to suit the diameter of the line in use and the prevailing conditions.

For a free catalogue of Enterprise Products click on the logo on this page: Free Enterprise Tackle Catalogue.


Another excellent idea made a lot easier with this simple little gadget. For less than two quid you can convert three feeders and not have to mess about with less efficient elastic bands and less chance of a tangle when casting.