Enterprise Tackle do a range of imitation baits, includingsweetcorn, peanuts, maggot and caster. Until quite recently imitationbaits have never been very popular with coarse anglers, not includinglure anglers of course.
I don’t really know why, but perhaps because the real thing arenot hard to come by and there has seemed little point in usinganything else. However, like most new, or revived items, it usuallytakes a notable event to trigger a jump in their popularity. Maybethe capture of the new record carp on imitation sweetcorn will bejust such an event. And then when you begin to delve into thesethings some more you begin to realise that there is more to them thenwhat quite literally meets the eye.

The obvious advantage is that imitation baits last for a long,long time, providing you don’t lose them. They don’t go off either,which means that storage isn’t a problem.
Their best advantage however, is the fact they they’re buoyant.And that means we can use them as pop-ups, or critically balancedbaits.
Once you have fish feeding confidently in your swim there is nodoubt that they’ll take the imitation baits just as they are. Butthere is nothing stopping you from giving them a little boost bysoaking them in a conventional boilie soak. Even a quick dip into, ora spray with any kind of flavour is going to last for some timebefore it has to be done again.
Best of all though, is to use the buoyant, imitation baits alongwith natural ones. The natural ones will provide the smell andflavour, and the imitation ones with provide the buoyancy. Balancethe two together and you can have a bait that will either lie on thebottom, be popped right up off the bottom, or will hover somewhere inbetween.
I shall certainly be experimenting more with these imitation baitsnow that I realise their potential a lot better than I havepreviously.
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Available from tackle shops or direct from:
Enterprise Tackle
6 Darlington Close
SG19 1RW
Tel/Fax 01767 691231
Website: www.enterprisetackle.co.uk