Price: £ 2.75

Anyone that fishes ‘The Method’ will sometimes have those days when you get lots of pulls, twitches and knocks without anything developing. That’s okay, happens all the time. Just re-bait and try again.

But are the fish getting away with more than you think?

When I thought about it, when I used a baitboat I wouldn’t use a method feeder, I would just wrap a ball around the lead as it wouldn’t have to hold up to casting, and thinking back, I tended to get fewer twitchy indications. One reason I came up with is that the lead was heavier than the method feeder I use – around 2oz when empty, and lets face it most ‘carp’ feeders are going to be 1-3oz.

So I wanted a way of making the feeder heavier. I tried using the lead wire I used at one time for balancing pop-ups. I also tried car wheel balancing weights, but the results were less than subtle!

After wracking the brain cell for a bit I remembered that Essential did these – I’d never tried them because of a few stories of the cage breaking, and I was perfectly happy with the ones I used (Fox).

It is a bit more fiddly to put on than some other feeders, but that’s partly because it is designed to be used in conjunction with Essential’s other leads (fits some of the others too – see photo) but mainly you can switch between a normal inline to method and back without having to change the end tackle.

The biggest advantage to me was that I could use a 4oz (or more!) lead inside, use a bit less method mix so I could still cast it, but have a feeder that’s weight was different to the rest, hopefully catching the fish out. I’d like to think it’s a little bit more discreet when empty as well.

Available direct from The cost includes a torpedo bead, the cage and a 11/2 oz Comet lead.


As I said, it’s not my main line of attack, more something I try when I feel the need. I do worry about the thickness (or lack of it!) of the cage, but as yet I haven’t had one snap.