These acquisitions add to Fish and Fly’s portfolio of fishing websites including and

Richard Hewitt of Fish and Fly stated “Alan Maughan has done a great job in building into the world’s largest salmon fishing
website and the fit with our websites is remarkable. We will use the time prior to completion to work with Alan to fully consider how best to 
continue with the ethos of the sites but at the same time look to ways to improve the overall experience to the benefit of all members and visitors.”

Alan Maughan owner of the above forums added “Selling a forum community where so many people have invested so much time isn’t an easy decision 
and shouldn’t be taken lightly. When that sale is to a company with the track record of Fish and Fly and backed by the integrity of Richard Hewitt then 
I feel confident that what we have built will now move forward in safe hands.”

Note: We will shortly be undertaking a survey across all our sites including questions as to how we can improve our services. We will publish the results and look forward to
working with you all to provide an even more enjoyable experience when visiting the forums in the future. 
