The Method was designed by Matchman Dave Hough for bagging up onMallory Park, Leicestershire.
This was then taken further by former England International RoyMarlow and it’s his feeders that the feeders in the shops today arebased on.
What is a Method Feeder?
A Method feeder is a frame feeder (most are inline) that is fishedwith a short hooklength. The groundbait is packed around the feederand the frame is such that it helps hold the groundbait together.Using a short hooklength ensures your hookbait is always close to thefeeder/groundbait.

How do I use the Method feeder?
There are two main ways to use a Method feeder:
- Fixed rig style.
Free running.
Fixed rig
With the fixed rig the fish picks up the bait, feels the weight ofhe feeder, and bolts. You MUST use a stronger main line than thehooklength with this rig (as you should with any set-up) to limit thechance of the main line breaking while playing a fish and the fishleft towing a feeder around.
Mainlines should be around 8lb (no less then 6lb) and hooklengthsshould be around 5lb (no less then 4lb for carp).
Bites with The Method can be pull rounds or drop-backs.
Free running
With the free-running rig the fish is able to pick the bait up andstart moving off before it realises something is not right. Sit withyour rod at a 45 degree angle to your line and stay close to the rodas bites can be hard and fast. Make sure you have good strong Methodrod rests too.
Where can I use the Method?
The Method is ideal for still waters and mainly used for carpfishing, but it can be used for other freshwater fish.
What baits can I use with it?
Any baits can be used with the Method feeder including hair-riggedbaits.
What groundbaits should I use?

Because the Method is so popular most of the groundbaitmanufacturers have supply at least one or two Method groundbaits tothe tackle shops. When you get used to the type of groundbaits usedfor the Method you can start making your own and try to give yourselfan edge over others. Method groundbait is designed so that it willstick to the Method feeder for long periods.
Can I add maggots to the groundbait?
No, not live ones anyway.
If it wiggles or moves then leave it out as it will break yourgroundbait up too soon and might not even last the cast.
You can add dead maggots to the groundbait though.
I’m using an inline Method feeder and I keep getting knocks anddecent bites, but when I strike there’s nothing there – why?
Firstly you should never strike when fishing the Method, the fishwill hook itself. The knocks could be false bite due to fishattacking your groundbait while it is still stuck to the feeder.
With The Method you will get knocks showing on the rod tip, butjust watch and wait. Ignore the knocks and wait for the rod to pullround. When it is pulled round, don’t strike, but simply lift the rodand play the fish.